Blessed is the woman who is the LORD's


happy is the woman who knows the LORD and trust Him

she is blessed in all her deeds

all of her ventures succeed

because she is HIS .. she is HIS property

she believes HIM trust HIM


HE is with her taking care of her every moment and every single moment

she is never without 

her foot is dipped in HIS water

HIS water which gives life which is life


she does not know a time of drought .. she is HIM

her foot is in HIM in HIS holy water

she will never retreat


her love her intense love great is HE her LORD

her strength her love great



her great joy knows no bounds

aridity is foreign to her

she  is HIS own property

HE is good to her because she is with HIM

her life is beneficent abundantly glorious


her happiness and her joy has no end

there are no boundaries

her foot is in HIS holy water

what pure life brings pure and pristine


her feet dance her mouth sings


she is with HIM

it is maintained by HIMSELF

every step and every moment she is together


her happiness and her joy has no end

her leaves are always green

they do not wither

because she never withdraws her foot from HIS holy water

therefore HE is her concern

therefore HE can continuously lose HIS love to her

she absorbs HIS words like a sponge drowned in HIS love



"my greatest gift""


my Lord my MAN .. my Helper .. my ALL in ALL .. become

You taught me in the valley of Achor
You learned me there the wisest lessons  that I could not have learned anywhere else
You taught me, You anointed me

there my festive garment was woven in the valley of Achor where You were so near to me
where I learned step by step

safe am I perfectly safe am I with my LORD
the valley of Achor became my valley of HOPE”
my song was born there my song was written there

my eternal hallelujah I learned there .. note by note step by step

I flattered myself on His breast
in HIS outstretched ARMS I lay down

at HIS feet I sat down and did not leave
complete safety complete security
there I was healed of every pain of every blemish
of everything that entered

hallelujah the eternal hallelujah to my Lord I learned there

I will always sing
I will always tell
I will always testify
I will show it anytime, anywhere my foot goes
HIM my dearly beloved LORD

HE who has anointed me with His holy water
His oil poured over me
what healed every cell and every open wound

done away washed clean all evil names
of powers and of people
removed completely

rock solid faith HE taught me
complete confidence HE taught me
through every pressure through every barrier

free have I entered HIS freedom
every chain broken every door unlocked
under HIS intense guidance
so my festive garment became my jubilant garment
woven thread by thread
embroidered with gold silk
olives so clean so green
put on HIS garment by HIMSELF
my party dress designed by HIM
my hand held by HIM

He has acquired me for HIS bride through justice and righteousness
my eternal hallelujah will never stop
my desert has become door to intense bliss
redeemed frees from every false god with its devilish teachings
experiments that I was allowed to make in order to understand in order to understand in order to learn
under the guidance of HIM my Teacher my dearly beloved LORD
how could I fail with such a LORD with such guidance

unparalleled gratitude is my share
HE wanted me for HIMSELF
to teach me to be HIM
to learn and teach for this time and that which is to come

You have detoxified me completely and completely
made the richest woman
made my arms like HIS
everyone I can embrace everyone I can love as HE has

who wants it comes who wants it sees who wants it finds

stripped of all my ballast
so shall my feet always be in YOUR holy water
my mouth won't stop singing the eternal HALLELUJAH

"" an unshakeable faith makes every enemy tremble

there he cannot continue to exist ""

the floodgates of Heaven have truly opened for me



those who sow in tears will reap in joy